Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Katy Perry Shows Who Her Favorite Is
9:47 We’re back…Alexis and Megan in the house…We appear to be having some technical difficulties…I can hear some buzzing or something…Ryan stalls by asking Danny about him saying he just wanted this to be over…Adam says, “I just want to see Katy Perry”…She finally comes out…No wonder he wants to see her…She’s wearing a cape that says Adam Lambert…It’s “Waking Up in Vegas,” by the way…She’s wearing what I would call an Elvis bathing suit with Vegas showgirls behind her…Why aren’t we getting any kind of reaction from Adam to the performance?...Now confetti falls from the ceiling. Wow, this is going to take a while to clean up…Finally we see the guys and Adam seems to be enjoying it, but Danny’s just standing there…After the break…