8:44 We’re back…The girls are on the mini-stage doing “Glamourous”…Wow, Megan sounds SO bad. Tell me again how she got so far and how we’re now stuck with her on the tour?...And her shorts are so short…Allison introduces Fergie and the crowd goes crazy…Randy stands up…She’s doing “Big Girls Don’t Cry”…I really don’t like her dark hair…The girls are backing her up…Oh no, Fergie just encouraged the people in the mosh pit to sway. What are you doing?...Allison introduces The Black Eyed Peas…They’re doing that new song of theirs that I totally don’t get…What’s it called “Boom Boom Pow”?...We just left them to show a silent shot of the “Idol” logo for several seconds. Is there massive cursing in that song? I don’t know I always turn it off when it comes on the radio? That could have been a directing mistake, but it was a bad one if it was…They have dancers behind them dressed in zebra striped bodysuits…The girl Idols are behind the judges going crazy…Okay those zebra dancers are freaking me out…The girls are dancing with Paula…They do know how to put on a show…Ryan says that’s why they’re number one…Randy gives them a standing ovation…
8:50 Back to the Golden Idols…Best Attitude…Katrina Darrell, aka Bikini Girl…Alexis Cohen. You know, the actressing girl?...Tiffany Shedd, who sang “pee on the safe side” while doing “Because of You”…And it goes to…Katrina Darrell, who’s in a bikini and she has CLEARLY had some work done. Simon and Randy are a little surprised…She kisses Ryan on the lips…Ryan says, I was going to ask you what’s new, but I think I can see” and the audience loved it. NICE ONE, Ryan…Katrina does “Vision of Love” and it’s terrible and then we hear another voice join her…and it’s Kara, who comes down the stairs…Katrina gives up and just stands there…She tries to rejoin her…Kudos to Kara for managing to stay on key during Katrina's wailing...And then Kara rips open her dress and she’s WEARING A BIKINI…Ryan says they’re donating a bunch of money to Kara’s favorite charity for that…THAT was the best thing Kara’s done all season…Break…