Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Paula's Just "Here For the Music"

9:12 We’re back…Tour plug…Ryan walks over to the Idols to talk to them…Danny says Wednesday nights are the most tiring and he is sitting there almost asleep. See what I mean about confidence?…Simon tells Kris, “we don’t want humble anymore”…Ryan asks Danny about his final note. He says when he watched it back, he laughed the whole night. He said his own aunt muted it and that he heard people were making ringtones with “that scary scream.” He added he thinks he made a name for himself with that “poor scream.” What was that? Humility from Danny Gokey?...Ryan asks Allison about her attitude and she says Simon was asking for it…

9:16 Ryan introduces Paula video…I still LOVE that “Cold Hearted” video…Ryan sits in Paula’s place at the table to introduce her…Paula starts out at the top of the stairs with several guys surrounding her…You can’t see her for the bright light, but she’s clearly not singing…In fact, the camera never stays long enough on her face for us to see if she’s singing or not…The choreography is cute, but Paula’s moves aren’t completely crisp. She’s moving pretty good, though. And that bounce into those guys’ arms was crazy! And then that guy twirled her like a baton! YIKES!!!...The song ends and the dancers gather around her like they’re asking questions. One of them says, “Paula, will you be back next season?” She says, “Gentlemen, I’m just here for the music. Good night,” and then walks away. I guess that was supposed to be clever. She walks toward the giant video screen, which says “Live, Laugh, Dance! Love, Paula”…Break…

As a performance, it was good, but having it on tape didn’t allow for what we really wanted to see—Simon’s reaction…