9:54 We’re back…Lights down as Anoop puts his arm around Allison…Going home is…Anoop…Thank goodness!...Allison hugs Anoop and walks back to the couch…Anoop sings “Dim All the Lights”…He flashes a big smile and goes toward the audience…He shows some moves and Paula says, “You go, Anoop.” This, ladies and gentlemen, is how to go out on this show. With class and a good performance…Anoop says he’s really disappointed but he has to look at the bright side that he’s going back to Chapel Hill. He says thank you…Ryan brings Lil back out on stage…Combined goodbye video of Lil and Anoop rolls as the Idols surround them…Notice that all of the judges’ compliments of Lil in the video came from the audition rounds…
9:58 Ryan asks Lil what she wants to say to her children. She says she’s coming home and she says she’ll miss her fellow Idols…Anoop says he’ll miss them too and he thanks Rickey and the vocal coaches for their help…
9:59 And we’re out…on time…
Final thoughts in a moment…