So did America get it right? Yes, they absolutely did. There is no question that Lil needed to go home. And although some might argue that Matt gave a worse performance than Anoop, Matt at least showed some originality.
But Allison in the bottom three instead of Matt? That part America got wrong. I realize that America is feeling a swell of emotion for Matt after he was saved by the judges, but there is no way his performance was better than Allison’s. I said earlier that I thought the judges should have saved their save in case they had to use it on Allison. This is one time I am thrilled to be wrong…
And now there are only five contestants remaining as we head into the home stretch. The finale being less than a month away has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?
So what do you guys think? Did America get it right?
And don’t forget that if all goes well, I will be blogging live from the Paramount tomorrow at Tri-State Idol, so I’ll see you then…