Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Jamie Foxx Rocks the House
9:42 We’re back…And the judges barely make it to their seats…Ryan introduces Jamie Foxx to do “Blame It”…I think it’s nice that he’s live…And of course, he’s rocking the vocoder…WOW! Three live performances back-to-back. The stage crew has been working overtime tonight…At least with the vocoder you can’t understand the words which are probably not completely appropriate for a “family” show…Jamie comes down to high-five the judges…Paula’s on her feet, but Kara is dancing from her chair…What was that weird miming at the end? I think he was making drinks...He also gets a standing ovation from the judges…Ryan says, “no question live”…Jamie says he saw five of the most talented people he’s seen in the past 10 years. He says he hopes America continues to “support these cats”…Ryan brings out Matt and Adam and they shake Jamie’s hand…Jamie dodges the question of whether America got the bottom two right and then he sticks in a plug for “The Soloist.” I was wondering when he was going to get that in…Break…