Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Flo Rida Spins Us "Right Round"
9:25 We’re back…Ryan introduces Flo Rida. He’s on tape. I’m sure the many screamers in the audience were upset to see that. This audience is a little more muted…I wish it was live, because I’d love to see Simon’s reaction…Maybe they decided the Idols should sing tonight since Flo Rida is using a track himself. In his defense, he is rapping along to it…I’m glad he’s censoring himself. That could be ugly…Love how the director is almost completely ignoring the dancers behind him…Am I a bad person for admitting I actually like this song?...Confetti comes down from the ceiling. What?...Ryan says hi to all of the backup dancers as Flo Rida tries to untangle himself from the confetti…Ryan asks him about his new CD--which by the way, sold a very paltry amount last week, so he needs the promotion. And then I think he cursed. Hang on, I’ll rewind the tape…Break…