9:08 We’re back…Ryan introduces Gina Glocksen and Constantine Maroulis in the audience and plugs “American Idol Extra”…Ryan asks C-man if he’s being groomed to take over his job…Ryan asks him to do the Constantine pout…Ryan finally remembers Gina is there and tells her it’s good to see her…
9:09 Ryan plugs this week’s “Idol Gives Back” stamp featuring Carrie Underwood…Recap…There’s no mention of the Paula gaffe…Neil Diamond says there are one or two prodigies in the group. We know David A. is one of them he‘s referring to, who’s the other?…Spoke too soon. Ryan addresses the Paula “rumors.” He says “They’re not true. She’s part of our family and we love her.” Paula is moved…Were there rumors that Paula was going to be replaced? I missed those…
9:13 The time has come…Jason comes out…Ryan sends Jason to the sofa. He’s safe…So it’s sofa vs. urinal stools again this week…David Archuleta…safe. That’s no surprise to us, so why does he look so shocked?…He shakes his head as he sits next to Jason…After the break…Jason leans over to David to talk to him. He’s probably going to ask him why he’s so surprised…