8:59 Intro…Ryan stresses that we are live…
9:00 Kristy Lee Cook in the house…Ryan says he’s still out of breath from last night’s show because it moved so fast…Over 45 million votes. Yikes!…
9:01 Group sing…Jason starts it out. He is so bored with it all, isn’t he?…There’s something wrong with the sound, I think. Everyone sounds a little muffled…Man, that was a bad transition to the next song…Wow, Brooke and Syesha do not sound good together. And Syesha’s wearing the wrong shade of lipstick…Boy, do I wish someone would wipe that stupid smile off Brooke’s face…That was not good…
9:04 Break
By the way, I talked to Tom from Sarasota before the show started and he was asking me about all of the appearances the eliminated contestant makes after they’re off the show. He’s preparing for tomorrow if, as I expect, Syesha is eliminated.
I told him we should hope for America to do the right thing…