9:52 We’re back…Lights down…34 million votes…Only 30,000 votes separate the two of them…Paula covers her eyes…And the lowest vote-getter is…Scott…Paula has tears in her eyes, because she knows this is it…Scott sings “The Search Is Over” again without his guitar this time…Kara is taking this deliberation thing pretty seriously, but it’s clear what they’ve decided…To prove it, Kara and Paula give standing ovations. They’ve clearly forgotten he can’t see what they’re doing…It’s actually better, but not nearly good enough…
9:55 Ryan goes to Simon for the verdict. Ryan asks Simon why he didn’t even consider the Judges’ Save last week and Simon tells him, “Because I didn’t care. I genuinely didn’t care. I don’t think she cared. And this is a whole different ballgame.” He tells Ryan that two people think he should stay, and two people think he should go. Gee, wonder who?...Ryan banters with Scott while they decide…Simon actually looks like he’s considering it…He says he really, really likes him, but he sees a lot of talented singers on the couch…
9:57 Ryan pushes for a decision. And Simon, of course, says, “It’s the end of the road”…Ryan gives him a big hug and then the other Idols come over to hug him…Goodbye video…They cut to all of the Idols watching the video from the stage. Nice!...But some creative editing makes it look like Kara actually liked his performance last night…The video ends with Scott making a basket in the gym…Paula tells Scott that he’s been an inspiration to the entire world. “You’re a classy gentleman. We love you”…Wonder how long she’s been rehearsing that?...
9:59 We’re out…
Final thoughts after I rewind the tape to see something…