9:39 We’re back…”Idol Gives Back” plug…Someone dropped some drumsticks…Another video to show us what “IGB” has accomplished…Two sisters are reunited in Ethiopia…
9:42 Dolly does “Jesus and Gravity”…She’s wearing a headset mic so she can use her hands. I like it…She is such a hoot. She’s actually enjoying the mosh pit…She’s got a choir singing to the left of her…And right of her…This is actually quite a spiritual song for “Idol,” isn’t it? Wonder what Simon is thinking?...That was AWESOME!...She says “Hallelujah, Simon, how are you!” and he smiles…Dolly calls Ryan good-looking and he tells her that she’s hot…Ryan asks her to let Simon back into Dollywood and she says he’s always welcome. Dolly: “I’ve got Jesus and you’ve got Simon.” Ryan: “I got the short end of the stick.” Dolly says that Simon tells the truth and you need someone to do that. He winks at her…Dolly gushes so much that Simon looks a little uncomfortable. Maybe he was afraid she wasn’t going to leave. I say we just turn the whole show over to her…Break…
Man, I hope her sales go up after this. She deserves it…