Was Simon really just wrong Tuesday night and not using reverse psychology on us Cook fans?
That’s sure what it sounded like on Ryan’s radio show Thursday…
“Reality TV World” reports Simon told Ryan, “I was almost horrified when I went back home and watched [Tuesday night’s performance show]. It was literally like watching and listening to a whole new show. What you thought was good wasn’t very good and what you thought was bad actually was a lot better.”
Simon told Ryan he was only thinking of “one word” when Cook won--“justice.”
“I thought it was the right thing. You always think in a situation like this where someone who’s cute like David Archuleta, that it’s going to be carried by young girls or grandmothers or [whoever] vote for people like David Archuleta. But actually the person who I thought did the best performances over the 11 or 12 weeks actually deserved to win and he did win. It was good.”
I’m sorry, Simon. I will never believe you weren’t trying to manipulate me. I just refuse to believe you could be so dead wrong…