Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Davids Speak!

After last night’s performances, had a chance to speak with the Davids about the night and their song choices…

For the songwriting competition choice, David only listened to the first 30 seconds of each song and “Dream Big” was the one that grabbed [him] the quickest.”

In retrospect, I think I was actually a little harsh on that one. The recap made it sound really catchy. I think it may have just been a victim of the band…

“The World I Know” was a song that David had wanted to do for a while and almost did last week. He told, “It's just an amazing song, so to be able to do it on the show, win, lose, or draw, it was more fun than I could possibly put into words.”

So why did David A. choose “Imagine”? Because it was his best performance of the season? Nope. He had to…

He told, “Yeah, there were a bunch of songs that I wanted to but didn't work out. You know, just [rights] clearing issues with the songs. So they said, ‘You're going to have to do a song that's already been cleared.’ And so, you know, hey, ‘Imagine’ — I guess it was meant to be.”

So imagine if one of those other songs had cleared. Would Simon have been singing a different tune last night?

Speaking of Simon, even Archie was a little perplexed by the judge last night, telling, “I don't know what Simon's problem was…[Cook] was awesome”…