Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Top Four Results Show: "Reeling In the Years"

This is it, ladies and gentlemen. The top four are about to become the top three.

Tom in Sarasota reports that plans are already being made for Syesha’s homecoming if she makes the top three. Will she?

Let’s get it started…

8:59 Intro…“One of our most dramatic shows yet”…Come on, Ryan, don’t you think you’ve played that card enough?…

9:00 Nearly 51 million votes--the highest this season…The top three were each within one million votes of each other. Why do I think that means the Jason Castro fans were dialing like mad last night?…

9:01 Ryan asks Randy about being hard on Syesha. Is Ryan championing her because she’s going home?…Simon says he wasn’t angry last night, he was just surprised at some of the song choices…

9:03 Group Sing…David kicks off “Reeling In the Years” with his eyes darting around like he’s looking for the words somewhere…Okay, this is ridiculous. Jason isn’t even trying with that goofy smile on his face. What will he be like after a few months of touring. Will he be over that too? It is so time for him to go home…I’m not sure any of them really know the words to this one…The guy with the guitar that Simon always makes fun of comes through the stage doors to no applause…Now the Idols are up on top with the band. How’d they do that so fast?…Judge Judy in the house…And Carly Smithson is sitting with Kimberly Caldwell…Break…